Παρακολούθηση τηλεφώνου


There are many ways of phone surveillance, either a landline or a cell phone. And, of course, the best surveillance of a landline is through SAI (Service Area Interface – “Green Box”) of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation. Even in our days, through a Βuilding’s Distribution Frame (BDF) of the block’s SAI, the landline surveillance is considered a very simple task for the experts. The only drawback is that nowadays no one uses landlines anymore.

So, a landline surveillance is done by the following:

  • The installation of a device on the landline wire.
  • The installation of a bug (micro device of conversations recording) on the landline phone.

There are cases where a landline surveillance may be necessary, such as those of elderly persons who are in need or have a disability, or dementia. In these cases the surveillance might literally save their lives. Also, in the cases where there is suspicion that a teenager is involved in illegal acts or use of substances (monitoring performed on written parental or guardian consent). The surveillance of a landline is successful only by using the appropriate equipment. We should also make a strong point that such surveillances are conducted only for legitimate purposes and the use of this service for illegal purposes is prohibited (according to the law 3206/2003 set out in the Government Gazette 298/A/23.12.2003). Our office with its long time experience and using the latest modern technology available, can ensure in strict confidence and secrecy the phone protection of your space by completely deactivating and eliminating all surveillance devices and wiretapping.


We advise interested parties to be particularly careful with regard to the private investigation agencies to which they apply. They have to check if they have the official certifications.

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